The Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences Laboratory as a technical-scientific contribution to the administration of justice
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Pérez Leyva, C. M., & Pérez Infante, L. (2024). The Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences Laboratory as a technical-scientific contribution to the administration of justice. Behavior & Law Journal, 10(1). Retrieved from


Criminology and forensic sciences have developed with society itself. In this review and analysis article, we try to get involved in a very important and topical topic, such as the fundamental work of the Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences Laboratories, in the consolidation of justice, helping society feel legally safer. Since the very emergence of Criminalistics, until today, the different techniques have been constantly improved, always with the primary objective of achieving the clarification of criminal facts. Highlighting in this investigation is the foundation of the Criminalistics Laboratories, in carrying out expert reports in different areas of science, based on the incidents found in the place where possibly, given the findings, a crime had been perpetrated. The use of different scientifically based techniques for the processing of this evidence, collected from the inspection of the scene. We will make a description of the fundamental subjects in which we work, such as technical visual inspection; fingerprinting; legal Medicine; Ballistics; anthropology; forensic genetics; documentology; papilloscopy, necroidentity; forensic telematics computer forensics audio, video and related; marking analysis, forensic mechanical damage assessment and post blast investigation. And in a practical way, the work will also demonstrate the effectiveness of having these laboratories. An important bibliographic review was carried out and the analysis of a case, which demonstrated what was described, and which led us to the conclusions reached.

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