Sexual harassment of minors through ICTs is a type of crime that causes great social alarm, and whose increase has been favored by the rise and use of Information and Communication Technologies by minors. Different scientific studies have highlighted the importance of antisociality in explaining the causes of sexual crimes against minors. The present study aimed to compare the criminal history and recidivism in non-sexual crimes, as a sample of antisocial behaviors, of a sample of detainees for crimes of sexual harassment of minors through ICT (child grooming), with two other samples of detainees for crimes of child pornography and sexual abuse of minors, to assess whether they are more similar in this criminal history to one than to the other, once it is considered that the former are much better socialized than the latter. The results have shown that child molesters have a criminal history, level of aggression in their crimes and criminogenic profile that reveals a high level of antisociality, very close to that of physical sexual abusers, and far removed from mere consumers of child sexual material.
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