Profiling the profiler: Pilot study of the psychological profile of a criminal profiler.
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Psychological profile
criminal profiling
psychometric test

How to Cite

Soto Martínez, I. (2024). Profiling the profiler: Pilot study of the psychological profile of a criminal profiler. Behavior & Law Journal, 10(1). Retrieved from


In the present study, an approach was carried out to characterize the psychological profile of a criminal profiler, also known as criminological profiler or criminal behavior analyst, for which eight (08) profilers of recognized professional trajectory were selected, both in the practical field and in academic training and practice. The selection was heterogeneous and random within a group of Spanish and Anglo speaking profilers. Several psychometric instruments were reviewed, of which the 16PF Questionnaire was considered because it offers a measurement of typical personality, which considers sixteen (16) personality factors and five (05) general dimensions (extroversion, anxiety, hardness, independence and self-control) within which the degree of boldness, security in social relations and entrepreneurial character of the individual is evaluated as opposed to shyness and social withdrawal, as well as the degree of suspicion and skepticism. Important coincidences were found in the factors of self-sufficiency, openness to change, independence and self-control. The results are discussed in the light of the ideal characteristics for the exercise of this professional practice with a view to future research.

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