Personalidad, mentira y engaño
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González Álvarez, J. L., & Besteiro Yusti, I. (2015). Personalidad, mentira y engaño. Behavior & Law Journal, 1(1), 17–26.


Personality affects all aspects of human behaviour. Therefore, it is expected that our personality plays a huge part in falsehood and deception. It has been noted that there may exist individual differences (personality) that would explain why some people lie with more frequency than others, or are better at lying.  Establishing the relationship between personality and deception can contribute to improve the detection of lies in con-texts of great significance such as the forensic or police. In this work, some recent studies have been reviewed which address the relationship between personality, falsehood and deception from different views; and the most relevant factors have been identified  based on the trait theory with biological foundation by Eysenk (1969).  It is concluded that although there are very promising indications that some personality traits are associated with a higher tendency and ability to lie, even with different forms of deception, there are still few rigorous studies which show this. More studies and methodological improvements in these studies are needed in order to develop this theory.
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