Revisión de las técnicas de carga cognitiva inducida en el ámbito de la detección de la mentira
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Cabezas García, S. (2019). Revisión de las técnicas de carga cognitiva inducida en el ámbito de la detección de la mentira. Behavior & Law Journal, 5(1), 40–51.


The present paper tries to deepen the field of lie detection by reviewing the traditional approaches that have been carried out in this field and then move to a more modern perspective based on induced cognitive load. To this end, a review is made of several studies published in recent years on induction of cognitive load and detection of lies, analyzing the techniques used and the results of each one. Finally, the effectiveness of these techniques is discussed, reaching the conclusion that they do not represent a substantial improvement to traditional techniques, although it is true that as they are more recent, they require more studies and have greater potential.
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