Análisis de Contenido y Personalidad: Modelo para la elaboración de perfiles.
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How to Cite

Sobrino Conde, L. (2015). Análisis de Contenido y Personalidad: Modelo para la elaboración de perfiles. Behavior & Law Journal, 1(1), 37–48.


It is obvious that the way in which people communicate is not random, but is determined by different variables. For the analysis of these relationships, the Analysis of Content is used. In the field of Criminology, crime investigators have been using them to predict characteristics or behaviors of a text authors. However, the research in this regard is very limited. Under this need, in the present study is done an analysis of the relationship takes place between the choice of different linguistic items at the time to communicate something, and personal variables such as sex, age and personality traits, with the aim of expanding knowledge in this sphere. The results obtained from different analyzes, reveal differences in the use of different grammatical categories, by sex, age and personality traits of the author. Through these findings, it has generated a model that allows us to infer features of an author by analyzing their documents, to be subsequently applied to the cases of threats, belonging to the Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, in which the personality of the author was not known. In short, this study highlights the utility and potentiality of these techniques, and the importance that they could have for crime investigators, as a complementary tool, at the time to make profiles.
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