Some characteristics can make women more vulnerable to gender-based violence, indicating that they may present a higher risk of being victimized. But also, that they may have difficulties leaving violent relationships, that the violence they suffer may have severe consequences, or that there may be circumstances that prevent them from reporting episodes of violence. This study aims to describe the vulnerabilities presented by a sample of women victims of femicide in Spain. In this work, 171 victims of femicide in Spain have been analyzed, whose cases took place between 2006 and 2016 in the demarcations of the Civil Guard, National Police, Mossos d'Esquadra and Ertzaintza. The analyzes have shown that characteristics such as having family members in their care, being a foreigner or being economically dependent on the aggressor are common in the victims. At the same time, the presence of serious illness, disability or pregnancy is uncommon. Risky situations such as the desire to end the relationship or the existence of reciprocal violence have also been common among the cases analyzed. And it is relevant to highlight that few victims thought they were in mortal risk.
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